Good Friday Youth/English Service

Dear Brothers & Sisters and Friends

I hope that this finds you all doing well and having a blessed week so far…as we think about Christ and what He has done for us especially as we approach Good Friday and Easter.
The church will have a special Good Friday service as we know.
This year we would also like to have a special time for the Youth/English speakers downstairs, same time as the Chinese service upstairs.
Therefore, here are the information
Day/Date: THIS Friday, 4/22/2011
Time: 7:30-9pm
What: Movie (Passion of Christ), discussion/sharing, prayers, etc.
Who: YOU and please invite all of your friends (especially a good chance to bring your non-Christian friends as well) to come for this special fellowship time and thinking of our Lord, Jesus Christ

* Even though we won’t be showing the entire movie and we will NOT be showing the most bloody scenes, however, please still ask for permission from your parents(if you are a youth) regarding watching the movie, to let them know ahead of time. Thanks, everyone!

Hope to see you all there then~
God bless,